Wearing a Mask as an Act of Love
Wearing a mask in a time of a viral pandemic that spreads mainly through the air when people are near each other, is not a selfish act....
Wearing a Mask as an Act of Love
Free Speech v. Inciting Violence
Voter Fraud? No. Voter Suppression? Yes, indeed
On Lying and Truth in a Post-Trump World
On The Manifold Understandings of Time and the Phenomenology of Temporality
On Critical Thinking (Again!)
A Sunday Sermon from a Local Pagan
On 'How Science Works' Within a Capitalist System
A National Disgrace
Chevron v Steven Donziger
Spinoza: On The Ethics and Nature
Law, Equity and Systemic Discrimination
On Hope and the Possible
‘All Lives Matter’ or How to Self-Righteously Erase a History of Racism
On The J.K. Rowling Controversy
A Bitter Pill, but not a Lethal One
On Alfie, Art and Morality
Why do we Punish?
Why Philosophize?
What is the Experience of Music?